Doesn't this time of year make you feel truly blessed. We all have so much to be thankful and grateful for. The Lord is an amazing God who delivers us our needs. Even through some hard times we all have Him, family and friends. One good thing about the bad economy is that it makes people appreciate what they do have and not what they want. It reminds people that this is Jesus' birthday and not ours. I am so excited for Bryggen to have her first Christmas and yes I am sure I have gone overboard. But what a great tradition we get to start with our children raising them to celebrate the birth of Christ. I can't wait to talk more about what we do during this season.
Our day to day activities have changed. Bryggen and I moved back sooner than planned and the whole family is now here throughout the holidays. Bryggen goes to school now. Its for 3 hours a couple of times a week. She loves it and plays so much. I love it even more. She is on a great sleep schedule. Except as I type she is taking a late nap that will through her bedtime off completely. She sleeps through the night with an occasional wake up. She naps some what regularly. She's been fussy because she is sick for the first time. She has an ear infection with a torn ear drum, a cold and a respiratory viral infection. She is on medicine which she loves and is doing better. I am 98% through shopping and ready for The Day to get here- 9 days left.